Commissioner Ann Samuelson proposed that since the District Attorney had completed his performance measures as requested that he receive a stipend at the same rate as when it was taken away, $1,125 per month retroactive to April 1, 2008. Commissioner Sam Patrick made a motion that a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase be added to the stipend, the motion died for lack of a second. All Oregon District Attorneys received a COLA increase in July 2007. Commissioner Hazen continued to vote no on the stipend, reiterating his viewpoint that the state should fund a state job. Chair Roberts then proposed that the stipend be placed in the 2008-09 budget for consideration by the budget committee. At this point Patrick became agitated, stating that the budget committee has no right to make a decision on the stipend and that only the Board has the right, according to state law, to make a decision on the stipend. After a brief awkwardness the Chair was able to explain to the Commissioner that the stipend was not a part of the budget for 2008-09 and if it wasn’t added now to go through the budget process then it couldn’t become part of the budget for the following year. Patrick was able to understand and an unanimous vote placed the stipend in the budget for the next fiscal year. Hazen said he felt it should be a part of the budget and can be discussed and voted on at that time.
During Business from the Public, heard from Nancy Autio, Chairperson for the Lighthouse for Kids and Executive Assistant Marvin Bermudez explained more about their program and thanked the Board for the money that they recently received through the annual Non-Profits granting process from the county.
The Board discussed what could be done regarding the Marine Reserves that the state of Oregon proposed to bring into being back in 2002. In April 2007 Kulongoski stated, ““It is essential that you develop and communicate a clear set of goals and objectives for creating a network of marine reserves along the Oregon coast,” the Governor wrote the Council. “I have watched with interest as the State of California has worked to create a system of marine protected areas. I think there is much to learn from California’s experience and I encourage you to actively engage…with their work on this.” Local fishermen have expressed great concern regarding this project with Lower Columbia Alliance for Sustainable Fisheries meeting with the Board last month to ask them for support. The Board decided to write a letter to the Oregonian to bring attention to the problems that the reserves will create, as well as writing to the governor and to the Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association. Another idea that was discussed was to approach the AOC on behalf of the coastal communities for support.
Other Items
Gail Galen and Kim Kines were both appointed to full terms on the Recreation Lands Advisory Committee. The committee still has one more opening and the staff will re-advertise for it.
Set a time for the May 7th meeting for public comments and to interview the candidates for the vacant commissioner seat.
Tabled an issue that will involve drafting a “media policy” for a future work session.
Approved a resolution and order in support of relocating the NOAA fleet to Tongue Point.
Conducted the second reading and approved the Ordinance for Big River Comprehensive Zone Map change.
Under consent calendar approved the following items: several sets of minutes from previous meetings, Purchase of Oil Rock for Chip Seal Program, Purchase of Rock for Road Maintenance Program, 2008/09 Grant Application for Assessment and Taxation, Approval of Contract for Purchase and Installation of Animal Control Crematorium, Consideration of Offers and Adoption of Resolution and Order approving sale of county property, Personal/Professional Services Agreement with Personnel Department for fish marking payroll services for Clatsop County Fisheries, Approval of Grant Proposal Letter for Technical Assistance through Community Block Grant Disaster Assistance Program.
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