Paul Mitchell, of New Northwest Broadcasters, was appointed to the Warrenton Business Association Board.
On June 27th bids for the SE Dolphin Re-Construction Project will be advertised.
Rankin Engineering was authorized to obtain three quotes for the new sidewalks from the West toe of the Skipanon Bridge to the West end of East Harbor project, in which the low bidder will be awarded the work. The city will obtain payment from ODOT in the amount of $25,000 at the beginning of the project. Any amount over $25,000 will be supplied by the city until the project is completed, at which time the ODOT Quick Fix Funds will reimburse the city. Any amount over $50,000 is the responsibility of the city.
Staff determined that a $25,000 grant that is available for funding small road projects from ODOT’s Special City Allotment would be better spent on South Main Court street in 200 and 300 block. On June 10, 2008, the Commission approved a resolution to apply for the ODOT Special City Allotment funds, however since that time, it was determined the funds would be better spent on South Main Court Street. This is due to recent commercial development in the area and that traffic counts would likely increase into 2009.
Warrenton Community Center’s rental rates were increased. The Warrenton Community Center is a self-supporting special revenue fund of the City of Warrenton and is maintained through the generated fees and rental rates. A 4% hike was reluctantly approved by the council after considerable consultation regarding other ways to generate funds. Concern was that Seaside and Astoria’s fees for its centers and rentals might be less expensive and Warrenton’s citizens should also have a facility with comparable fees. Laurie Sawry, with Warrenton Finance Dept, explained that the facilities in other cities were subsidized differently allowing their rentals to be less expensive. Mayor Gramson asked that the council be apprised of the rental rates in other nearby cities so that they could keep their Community Center reasonably priced.
The budget for fiscal year 2008-09 was approved by the Council for all the departments.
The City of Warrenton received a petition from BRC Investments, LLC to vacate a portion of public right-of-ways, SE 12th Place and SE 12th Street. Because a sewer main is located on 12th Street the Council did not grant the vacation on that location but did on 12th Place. It was suggested to BRC Investments to ask for an administrative variance in lieu of planning departments requirements of 15% of the property the project is on being landscaped.
Amended the City of Warrenton Ordinance No. 11 13-A to Ensure Compliance with Oregon Administrative Rule 660-1 2-60 (Transportation Planning Rule) and Statewide Planning Goal #12 by Adopting Amended Findings of Fact and Adding New Conditions of Approval with Ordinance No. 1 122-A.
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