Thursday, February 5, 2009

Former School Director asks Ethics Commission for investigation

Carrie Bartoldus August 20, 2008

Former Jewell School Board Director, Lauren Jacobsen, filed a complaint with the Oregon Ethics Commission alleging possible violations of Oregon Statutes dealing with Oregon’s Open Meetings law.

According to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission’s preliminary review Jacobsen alleges that the topics and procedures followed by the board of directors may have violated the executive session provisions of Oregon Public Meetings law.

The complaint included minutes relating to 20 executive sessions that were convened between October 2006 and March 2008 and include board members Karl Meier, Oly Schockelt, Carrie Thompson, Greenwood, Ann Samuelson, Alan Foster, Cathy Rosinek and Tania Skinner. Foster and Skinner are the only two that are current board directors. Ironically, Oly Schockelt led a recall campaign against Samuelson and Meier alleging in mailers and an open letter to the Jewell community that as the “two most senior members of our school board” they “had inappropriate discussions behind closed doors.”

In another letter that Schokelt wrote, along with the complainant in this current case, Lauren Jacobsen, he accused Samuelson of taking part in executive sessions in violation of the statutes pertaining to Oregon’s open meetings laws.

After a preliminary review of the evidence presented in the complaint, the Ethics Commission made the decision on Friday, August 16, to start an investigation. According to Ethics Commission staff the commission has 180 days to complete the investigation at which time they will make a decision on the merits of the case based on what was discovered.

In a letter from Roy Pulvers, counsel for Ann Samuelson, a request was made of the current school board to authorize the district’s lawyers, administrators and current and past directors to discuss and disclose whether advice of counsel was given in regards to the executive sessions being challenged. A waiver of privilege was approved by the current board in order for the six accused former board members, and two current directors, to be able to defend themselves.

During the members time for the directors to bring updates to the board and the audience Tania Skinner stated that the charges would be proven false as the board at no time ever met illegally. She said it was a waste of time and money and that those making such charges should be ashamed of themselves. After the meeting Skinner thanked Ann Samuelson for having met with the Ethics Commission on Friday, in an attempt to state their side.

Jewell School Board members, Kristen Kuhnly, Matt Samuelson, Alan Foster, Tania Skinner, Jennifer Blanchard

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